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NYS TARC Newsletter—November 2022

Writer's picture: NYS 21CCLC TARCNYS 21CCLC TARC

Updated: Oct 27, 2022

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Important Reminders from the 21st CCLC Timeline:

  • Convene 2nd Advisory Board Meeting. Include all stakeholders. Topics might include review of initial program implementation efforts, enrollment/participation, family engagement plans/activities, staff development plans, internal improvement cycle/QSA process.

  • Participate in the first Evaluator’s Site Visit, conducted by the Local Program Evaluator. This is an opportunity to open the program to the observation of the partnering evaluator, collaborate to track progress indicators, and to receive valuable, actionable feedback about program implementation. Summary findings from this visit can be used to inform the continuous improvement cycle and communicate progress updates to staff and stakeholders.

  • Submit to NYSED the Evaluability Checklist, completed in collaboration with the Local Program Evaluator. Send by December 31, 2022, to See SMV Indicator H-2 and email sent from NYSED dated 7/28/22.

  • Enter program participation and activity data for fall 2022 into EZReports by December 31, 2022.

  • Conduct required Internal Review/Check-In of Program Service Delivery. This is the opportunity for Program Leaders to observe their staff using a formalized process/protocol while staff are delivering programming to participants; they review the implementation of activities as designed/planned, the performance of staff, and the levels of engagement/targeted responses from participants. This provides valuable formative feedback to integrate into the internal improvement cycle. Additional information about this requirement and the Program Activity Implementation Review (PAIR) is located in the Site Monitoring Visit Tool (SMV), Indicator D-3.

  • Keep contact information up to date in EZReports and with your Resource Center so that you don’t miss out on any important information, deadlines, and/or reminders!




Save the Date! 21st CCLC Spring Conference March 24, 2023 at the Troy Hilton Garden Inn More details to follow. This event is in collaboration with the NYS Network for Youth Success annual conference.

**Refer to our website for all of the information from our Fall 2022 Events.


Other (non-required) events that may interest you:

Ongoing: Self-Paced Professional Development

The Resource Centers have partnered with Change Impact to offer a unique PD experience with Change Up Learning – an interactive online PD platform. Change Up Learning offers a variety of self-paced courses on relevant topics including Equity and Inclusion, Trauma-informed Practices, Positive Youth Development and more! These free courses are not mandatory, but available to support 21st CCLC subgrantees – and have been approved for New York State SACC credits. Create an account and access the growing library of courses by using the custom links below:

If you’re based in NYC, activate your account here. If you’re based in the rest of NY state, activate your account here.


Through Dec '22: Network for Youth Success Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) Training Series
Nov 3, Dec 8, Jan 12, & Feb 2:
Through Dec '22: Network for Youth Success Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) Training Series
Nov 3, Dec 8, Jan 12, & Feb 2:



U.S. Department of Education (Department) launches "YOU Belong in STEM" initiative

October 12, 2022, the U.S. Department of Education (Department) launched "YOU Belong in STEM," an initiative to galvanize the broad STEM education ecosystem to implement and scale equitable and high-quality STEM education for all young people from Pre-K to higher education. U.S. Deputy Secretary of Education Cindy Marten discussed the initiative today at the STEMconnector and Million Women Mentors Summit in Washington, D.C.

"With the YOU Belong in STEM initiative, we are helping districts and schools redesign systems and learning spaces to ensure students get the well-rounded education they need," said Deputy Secretary Marten. "We are also challenging narratives about who belongs in STEM learning and careers that, over generations, left out millions of girls and young women, students of color, students living in poverty, Native American and Alaska Native students, students with disabilities, and other marginalized students. Every student, no matter their background or zip code can meet and exceed their unique potential to learn and thrive in STEM education."

YOU Belong in STEM will focus on improving student outcomes by promoting positive conditions for STEM learning and development. Research shows a direct correlation between a sense of belonging in the classroom and a student's focus and academic content retention. Through the new initiative the Department seeks to show both teachers and students that they have a place in the STEM field and in the pathways to long-term success that STEM has to offer in a 21st century economy.

In the coming weeks, the Department will provide guidance and other technical assistance to elevate STEM teaching and learning, convene STEM partners and thought leaders, elevate bright spots and evidenced-based practices that engender belonging in STEM, and partner with public and private entities to leverage our best efforts and reach.

Email us at to get involved!


Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Fine Arts and Essay Exhibition submissions due December 9

We are pleased to announce that the New York State Education Department will sponsor an exhibition in recognition of the life and teachings of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

As in years past, we honor Dr. King’s memory by inviting schools to submit student art and essays that reflect Dr. King’s teachings.

We encourage all schools to join in this initiative and all submissions will be exhibited.

A maximum of one piece of artwork and one essay entry may be submitted per student.

All entries must be submitted via US Mail or digitally via dropbox by Friday, December 9, 2022.

For more information, please contact Curatorial and Visitor Services at 518-473-7521 or


Accountability Restart Webinar and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Document Now Available

NYSED has posted a webinar titled, “Preparing for the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Accountability System Restart for the 2022–23 School Year” that provides information on New York State’s ESSA State Plan Addendum that was approved by the United States Department of Education (USDE) in September 2022. The webinar explains the one-year accountability system that will be used for making 2022–23 school year accountability determinations using 2021–22 school year data.

NYSED has also posted an FAQ document, “New York State Accountability Restart for the 2022–2023 School Year Using 2021–2022 School Year Data: Frequently Asked Questions” that provides frequently asked questions related to restarting the accountability system.

Both resources can be found on the NYSED website at: School and District Accountability.

Questions regarding the accountability restart may be directed to


Grants of $280M for School-Based Mental Health Services

On Oct. 3, the Department took a major step in addressing the youth mental health crisis: It released notices inviting applications for two grant programs to increase access to mental health services for students and young people, totaling $280 million. The grant programs are funded through the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act (BSCA) and the fiscal year 2022 omnibus appropriations. These are the first of $1 billion in BSCA funds over the next five years that the Department will award.


2023–24 Free Application for Federal Student Aid

The 2023–24 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) launched on Oct. 1. New and returning students who plan to attend college between July 1, 2023, and June 30, 2024, should complete the FAFSA form as soon as possible. The Department provides more than $112 million in grants, loans, and work-study funding annually to help students pay for higher education. Many state governments, postsecondary institutions, and private organizations also use FAFSA information to determine their financial aid. To access these funds, students must complete the FAFSA form (see FAFSA process infographic).

To assist students and families in the process, the Department’s Federal Student Aid (FSA) office has been sharing helpful tips @FAFSA, including “7 Things You Need Before Filling Out the FAFSA Form,” “8 Steps to Completing the FAFSA Form,” and “15 Myths We’re Busting About the FAFSA Process.”

Students and parents may complete the FAFSA form online at


U.S. Department of Education Awards Over $7 Million to Highlight Parent Voices and Support Families

In September, the U.S. Department of Education announced awards totaling over $7 million to eight statewide organizations under the 2022 Competitive Grants for the Statewide Family Engagement Centers (SFEC) program, underscoring the Biden-Harris Administration's ongoing efforts to enhance and increase parent and family engagement in local education. As the 2022–23 school year begins, and to help drive academic recovery, the Department is redoubling its commitment to providing states and communities with additional resources to support student learning and parental and family engagement. Statewide organizations or consortia, in partnership with at least one state educational agency (SEA), applied for these grants.


The New York State Network for Youth Success supports the capacity-building of afterschool programs at the local level through regional afterschool networks

The New York State Network for Youth Success supports the capacity-building of afterschool programs at the local level through regional afterschool networks. There are currently fifteen regional networks throughout the state affiliated with the Network for Youth Success.

Regional networks help share best practices and coordinate local professional development resources for programs and providers. Regional networks also provide effective means to distribute information and engage programs and parents on state and local policy issues.

All afterschool program providers and stakeholders are invited to participate in regional afterschool networks. By joining a regional afterschool network, members have access to both regional and statewide networking and professional development opportunities.

There are numerous ways you are able to become involved in your local network:

  • Join your local network (there is no cost to be involved with your network)

  • Become a member of the New York State Network for Youth Success (half of all membership dues go directly to support your regional network)

  • Attend meetings and share your ideas with your fellow colleagues

  • Work together on professional development and other training opportunities

  • Participate in events sponsored by your regional network

  • Participate in local advocacy events sponsored by your regional network

For more information on your network, please reach out to your network lead or contact the New York State Network for Youth Success at 518-694-0660 or at


Program Spotlights Project #8021 21st Century's Summer LEGO Robotics Academy: A Multifaceted and Fun Learning Experience

Click the image to watch video

Scholars from Balmville, GAMS, HOH, and Vails Gate who participated in 21st Century's Summer LEGO Robotics Academy, worked in teams on 21st-century STEM Skills. They built various machines using LEGOs and then used iPads to code the machines to perform various tasks. Student's also used giant-sized LEGOs to design and construct items such as bridges, buildings, furniture, and animals. Scholars also received Social Emotional Learning instruction from Ms. Ada Campbell to help them recognize, regulate, and de-escalate their own emotions while learning how to recognize emotions and feelings in others. Shout out to Staff members, Michael McGullam, Jessica Berte, Jennifer Olsen, Angela Griffin, Junette Gonzalez, Nidia Santana, and Michelle Walsh who facilitated the instruction and activities and to Ms. Gretchen Quill, program nurse, and Ms. Toie Calhoun, who managed the behind the scenes care of students and records to keep the program running smoothly. Grant Facilitator, Susan Torres-Bender managed the day-to-day operations.

Story and video submitted by Susan Torres-Bender


Project #8118 The Home for Little Wanderers/PS 195: Community Grocery Giveaway

Click above to watch video

In partnership with Hispanic Federation, our Home @ PS 195 21st Century Community Program team bagged 1500 pounds of (donated) groceries benefitting the Soundview community at large. Below is a link to video highlighting that Community Grocery Giveaway event that took place on September 30th at PS 195 21st Century site and will occur monthly moving forward.


To be featured in an upcoming newsletter, submit your stories and photos here.

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