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NYS TARC Newsletter—May 2024

Updated: May 6

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Evaluators' Corner

Important Reminders from the NEWLY UPDATED 21st CCLC Timeline:

Conduct a comprehensive Needs Assessment for the next program year. 

Participate in the 2nd Evaluator’s Site Visit, conducted by the Local Program Evaluator. 

Continue the teacher survey process (required only for programs serving students in grades 1-5. 

Please review/save the following documents:



Join us for an exciting virtual lunch and learn series we have specially organized for you!

Mark your calendars for the following dates below:



These are non-required events that may interest you:

Ongoing: Self-Paced Professional Development

The Resource Centers have partnered with Change Impact to offer a unique PD experience with Change Up Learning – an interactive online PD platform. Change Up Learning offers a variety of self-paced courses on relevant topics including Equity and Inclusion, Trauma-informed Practices, Positive Youth Development and more! These free courses are not mandatory, but available to support 21st CCLC subgrantees – and have been approved for New York State SACC credits. Create an account and access the growing library of courses by using the custom links below:


May 6

Join us virtually for NASA's Boeing Starliner Crew Flight Test! NASA astronauts Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams will lift off aboard Boeing’s Starliner spacecraft on a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket and dock at the orbiting laboratory, where they will stay for about a week.

The mission is targeting launch at 10:34 p.m. EDT on Monday, May 6, from Space Launch Complex-41 at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida.

To register, click on the button below or go to As a virtual guest, you'll receive curated mission resources, schedule updates, interactive opportunities, and a commemorative stamp for your virtual guest passport, all delivered straight to your inbox. All resources, participation, and registration are FREE!


Tuesday, May 21st - 11:00am - 12:00pm

May 22
NYS 21stCCLC: May Community Cohort—Conference Connections

We'd like to continue the spirit of networking and collaboration in our (virtual) 21st CCLC Community Cohort this May. We hope you'll be able to join and connect with your colleagues! (Reminder: these virtual sessions are not mandatory, but you're encouraged to attend)

  • Date: May 22, 2024

  • Time: 10:00 - 11:30am

  • Focus: Conference Connections 

  • Open to all 21st CCLC Subgrantees (Evaluators welcome!)

  • Goals

  • This Cohort meeting will be a chance to debrief the in-person conference, discuss key session takeaways, and explore how to turnkey information for staff that couldn't attend. Rest of State and NYC subgrantees are encouraged to come share conference highlights and network with colleagues.

  • A few subgrantee presenters from the Stories of Collaboration and Strategies for Success session at the conference will be present to discuss their program highlights/respond to any additional questions (e.g., community cafes, aligning with programming values)


May 23 Collaborative for Advancing Health Equity in Out-of-School Time: Community of Practice: Centering Equitable Approaches to Healthy Eating and Physical Activity in OST 

The Collaborative for Advancing Health Equity in Out-of-School Time (CAHE-OST) invites OST professionals to join the Centering Equitable Approaches to Healthy Eating and Physical Activity in OST CoP! Each 1-hour session will host experienced OST professionals sharing promising practices that align with advancing equity, healthy eating, and physical activity. Time will be allotted for participants to examine their practices and policies related to the topic and discuss challenges and solutions for advancing health equity in OST. This CoP is available to 21st CCLC grantees at no cost. 

As part of the registration, participants will be asked if they would like to present a promising practice related to the CoP topics. Using this information, CAHE-OST will work to identify and prepare selected participants with a presentation to be shared during the related CoP session.  

  • May 23rd, 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm CSTTopic: Full Circle: Celebrating Success

Attend any session that accommodates your schedule.     

For more information, please email us at Additional resources are available on the website.


Thursday, June 6th - 11:00am - 12:00pm



NYSED Talent Pool Submissions Open—Due Date Extended to May 10
  • The New York State Education Department is requesting recommendations from teachers and/or principals in elementary through high school (K-12) for consideration of membership on advisory boards, task forces, and special recognition programs.

  • Your recommendations will identify educators who will be of great value to your community and New York State and who may also ultimately receive prestigious recognition for their contributions and achievements. 

  • The nominee must be a principal or currently teaching at the K-12 level in a New York State public, private, parochial, or charter school, or Department of Defense and be appropriately credentialed in New York State. Attached please find the recommendation form for submission.

Questions may be emailed to

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Best Practices for UPK Collaboration - Webinar and Q&A Now Available
  • The March 13, 2024, session provided an overview of best practices for districts as they seek to partner with Community Based Organizations to provide prekindergarten programming.

  • The Office of Early Learning and district representatives shared insights on building successful prekindergarten programs in partnership with agencies in the community.

  • The recorded webinar and Q&A are now available on the Office of Early Learning Webinar webpage.

  • The Office of Early Learning is hosting an upcoming webinar titled Social Emotional Learning in the P-3 Classroom on May 15, 2024.

  • More information about our webinar series and how to register are available on the Office of Early Learning Webinar Series webpage.

Any questions can be directed to the Office of Early Learning at


School-Based Mental Health Clinic Resources 
  • As part of a commitment to address youth mental health statewide, Governor Kathy Hochul has allocated resources for providers to establish an Office of Mental Health-supported mental health clinic satellite at all willing schools.

  • School-based mental health clinics are satellite sites or extensions of the main community-based clinic. The satellites are established and operated without costs to schools.

  • For more information about satellite operations and funding, please visit the NYS Office of Mental Health (OMH) School-Based Mental Health Clinics webpage.

  • Schools that are interested in partnering with an OMH clinic provider to establish a school-based mental health clinic can reach out directly to eligible OMH clinic providers or to the OMH to get started.

  • If you already know the provider agencies with child/adolescent-serving clinic programs within your district, you can contact them to explore a potential partnership. If you need assistance with locating a clinic, please use this searchable directory to access all OMH-licensed programs by county.

For additional questions, please contact OMH at


Sample Clusters for the New Regents Examination in Earth and Space Sciences and Regents Examination in Life Science: Biology measuring the New York State P-12 Science Learning Standards

  • The Office of State Assessment has posted sample clusters for the new Regents Examination in Earth and Space Sciences and Regents Examination in Life Science: Biology Measuring the New York State P-12 Science Learning Standards (NYSP12SLS).

  • Rating guides and performance expectation alignments for each question are also available.

  • The new Science Regents Examinations will measure the three dimensions of the New York State P-12 Science Learning Standards and will first be administered in June 2025.

  • Questions regarding the Regents Examinations in Science may be directed to the Office of State Assessment at 518-474-5902 or


The Value of Play: Play-Based Learning for P-3 Students - Webinar and Q&A Now Available

  • This January 25, 2024, session was designed to help teachers and administrators understand the value of play in children’s development and learning.

  • The recorded webinar and Q&A are now available on the Office of Early Learning Webinar webpage.

  • The Office of Early Learning is hosting a series of webinars over the next several months that focus on best practices in pre-kindergarten through third grade.

  • More information about our webinar series is available on the OEL Webinar Series webpage.

Any questions can be directed to the Office of Early Learning at


Program Spotlights

From the Best Practices session at the 2024 conference, demonstrating evaluator-program cooperation…

Kara Munn from Saranac Lake and their evaluator, Emily Hagstrom from Via Evaluation.


The practice they shared was called the Community Cafe: a model to cultivate relationships with family members and active engagement with community members by organizing convenings (around great food!) and inviting an open exploration of new ideas for programming.


  • Strengths of using this approach. The model recognizes that good idea formulation and the commitment to operationalize them is best done as a team wherein collective know-how and resources can be pooled and strategically leveraged. Distributing some of this responsibility and sharing ownership is a smart practice when it comes to designing creative program offerings with lean budgets.

  • Results for the program. This practice of growing enrichment activities, organically and interdependently, has inspired and facilitated the implementation of a number of novel community-building opportunities. Creating unique, learning experiences for students that would not have otherwise been possible/conceived.  

  • Connect to exchange information and explore potential applications. For more information on the use of the Community Cafe method, please contact Kara Munn. For information on how this engagement activity is tracked and how the impacts are studied, please contact Emily Hagstrom.


Program Highlights at the Center for Family Life in Sunset Park at MS 136 and MS 821

"Back in December, we staged an original production based on the young adult novel 'Coraline' with student-created songs and dances. Students worked in groups from October through mid-December to prepare for the production.

Last month, we did a Film Festival project, in which groups of students were assigned a genre and charged with writing, directing and performing in a three-minute film, culminating in a 'Film Fest Premiere.'"

To be featured in an upcoming newsletter, submit your stories and photos here.


 Evaluators' Corner

Phase II of the SEL Pilot Study: 

Thank you to all programs that have generously offered their time to participate. Following is an outline of next steps:

  • Parental Consent (ASAP). By the time you are reading this, you should have received (or will very shortly) a form, in English and Spanish, to enable parents to opt their child(ren) out of the student survey. Because programs have not entered parent contact information into EZReports, Program Directors are responsible for distributing this form to parents of all participating students at those grades that you requested to include in the survey, and providing an opportunity for parents to respond by May 13. This can be done by email (where available), or by having students bring a copy to their parents. Sample items from the Student Survey, in English and Spanish, will be available upon request if parents want to see it before deciding about consent. Please contact Jonathan Tunik at MI ( if any parents request to review it. The full survey should not be shared until it is officially administered.  

  • Survey Administration (late May).  All three surveys – Program Director, Activity Providers, and Students – will be administered towards the end of May:

  • Program Directors/Managers will receive an online Program Director survey directly via email  

  • Program Directors/Managers will be asked to distribute URL/QR code links to all Activity Providers for the Activity Provider survey.  

  • Program Directors/Managers will be asked to designate one or more staff to administer the student surveys. It is strongly recommended that designated time during program hours be set aside to administer the survey. (Students should be given at least 15 minutes to respond.) Student surveys will be provided either online and/or on paper, as requested, along with survey administration instructions.


Reminder re GPRA Indicator 2 (GPA):

As required for GPRA reporting, for all participating students in grades 7, 8, or 10-12 with at least one hour of attendance this program year, course grades will need to be collected as soon as they are available after the end of the school year, then converted to GPA equivalents using MI's GPA Calculators. The Data Manager and/or Local Evaluator from all programs serving students in any of these grades are required to attend a training webinar to be provided in late May (date TBD) if they have not previously participated in this process. The webinar is optional but recommended as a refresher for those who have previously participated.


Updated AER Documents

Note: This report is due no later than 9/30/24 and can be emailed to

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