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Important Reminders: (View the 21st CCLC Timeline for more information.)
Conduct Local Program Evaluator’s Point of Service quality review (March-May)
Submit Local Evaluator’s Interim Evaluation Report to program directors/managers
Submit Budget Amendments (FS-10-A), M/WBE Utilization Plan, and revised M/WBE Goal calculation worksheet should have been postmarked by March 1, 2022. Please send to NYSED’s Office of Grants Management. If this wasn’t submitted on time, notify your Resource Center immediately.
Certify student demographics, monthly enrollment, activities and attendance records in EZReports
Ensure that students’ State ID numbers (RoS) or OSIS ID (NYC) numbers are entered for every student enrolled and teachers’ names are entered for every student in grades 1-5. Remember that beginning this year, all programs except NYC must provide State student IDs (NYSSIS IDs), not local IDs, in EZReports. (NYC programs will continue to provide OSIS IDs.) If your district is having trouble finding the State IDs, inform your Resource Center or MI and instructions will be forwarded on how to find them.
Submit FS-25 claim forms to Grants Finance (if applicable)
Measurement Incorporated will conduct exploratory site visits between March-April for selected programs. The ten selected sites will be notified shortly, but these selections will not be shared outside of NYSED, the Resource Centers and the MI team. Remember that these interviews are designed to obtain generalizations about successes and challenges throughout the state; they do not contribute to program-specific assessments such as SMVs or Risk Assessments.
Evaluators, if you have not responded yet to the interest survey about an "Activity Focus Categories" report, please do so. If you do not respond this will be interpreted as meaning that you are not interested, and the reports will only be made available in EZReports if there is sufficient interest.
Dates for 2022 Regents Examination Periods and the Elementary and Intermediate Testing Schedule
Dates for 2022-23 Regents Examination Periods and the 2022-23 Elementary and Intermediate Testing Schedule
Questions may be directed to Office of State Assessment at 518-474-5902 or emscassessinfo@nysed.gov.
Our new website is live! Check out https://www.nys21cclc.org The New York 21st Century Community Learning Centers Technical Assistance Resource Center website is one you are going to want to bookmark and have handy to refer back to. Necessary forms, updates, important trainings, resources, and our monthly newsletter and so much more is available in one spot!
Another important resource is the NYSED website for 21st Century programs, https://www.p12.nysed.gov//sss/21stCCLC/. Several forms have been updated so be sure to use the link from this site. Timelines and other important information can be accessed here as well.
The NYSED Guide for Suicide Prevention for School Personnel is designed as a companion to the New York State Office of Mental Health’s A Guide for Suicide Prevention in New York Schools.
The Guide for Suicide Prevention for School Personnel is intended to provide schools with the knowledge to prevent, identify and act when a student is at risk for suicide.
The Guide provides schools with the following resources that can be customized for immediate school use:
Sample Suicide Crisis Protocol.
Protocol for Responding to a Student Suicide Attempt.
Sample Suicide Risk Assessment and Safety Planning Document.
Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale.
Sample Parent/Guardian Notification of Child’s Suicide Risk.
Sample Student Safety Plan.
Sample Return to School Meeting.
Sample HIPPA-FERPA Release Form.
Please contact the Office of Student Support Services by email at studentsupportservices@nysed.gov or at 518-486-6090 for questions.
Families and Suicide Webinar Series
The New York State Office of Mental Health and The Suicide Prevention Center of NYS are presenting a series entitled When a Family Member Struggles with Suicide: Understanding the Impact and Building Skills for Families. Suicidality is a common, growing, and devastating problem for the suicidal person as well as their families. The series topics include:
When Someone in Your Family is Suicidal: Impact on Families and the Role of the Mental Health Care System, March 9, 2022, 12pm-1pm
This webinar will describe:
the scope of the problem, the transdiagnostic nature of suicidality, and highlight both the strengths and shortcomings of most mental health systems.
Eight ways that having a suicidal family member can be stressful and traumatic will be described, including stigma, stress, trauma-related problems, and social isolation.
Suicidality: Skills for Families, March 16, 2022, 12pm-1pm. Following a brief review of some of the family problems associated with suicidality, this webinar will:
provide a series of specific skills that family members can learn to:
a) help decrease their own stress- and trauma-related problems;
b) improve quality of life; and c) how to reconnect, or stay connected, to suicidal loved ones/family members.
Please contact the Office of Student Support Services by email at studentsupportservices@nysed.gov or at 518-486-6090 for questions.
Required 21C Events:
Mar 9: Mandatory end-of-grant Closeout Information Session
Mar 28: Mandatory end-of-grant Teacher Survey Information Session
Apr 6: Mandatory GPA for GPRA Information Session
Save the date: June 8 is our End of Year Spring Conference!
The end-of-year conference will be held virtually this year. In addition to the end-of-year event, grantees are expected to participate in two of the following professional development webinars as well. The dates for these offerings are May 4, May 11, May 18, and May 25 from 10-11:15am. More information will be coming soon.
Other (non-required) events that may interest you:
Mar 3: Webinar: Creating a Family Engagement Plan with Parents of English Language Learners, Part II Mar 15: Network for Youth Success is hosting a Rural Afterschool Forum and Discussion.
Mar 17: Webinar: Help them Grow or Watch them Go—Strategies for Supporting Staff Wellness | Afterschool Alliance Apr 8 + 9: Virtual Conference: Schools Out, Make It Count! | NYS Network for Youth Success
RoS Spotlight
Sodus Intermediate School Celebrates Fitness and Togetherness
The 21st CCLC at Sodus Intermediate School has an active runners club. Over the years, their Running Club has completed local races and 5K races in Rochester, NY, including The Rochester Lilac Run, Rochester Reindeer Run, and the local Reliant 5K’s each year. Not even COVID could slow these runners down; when races couldn’t be held in person because of pandemic restrictions, they offered virtual races instead! Last year they held a May 30-day challenge that attracted over 100 participants!
This school year, the club was preparing for the local Reindeer Run when rising COVID-19 rates caused the race to get canceled. Unwilling to sit this one out, the group decided to host the race themselves on the school campus. On December 14, students, staff, and families met at the outdoor track to complete their first race of the school year. Valerie Fanning, the project director, said, “Providing this opportunity for our students after school is an excellent way for students and staff to be active, healthy and enjoy running, walking and jogging to improve their physical fitness. Being part of this club and celebrating together, allows our kids to build attachments to school and trusted relationships with their running partners and/or mentors. We look forward to our next race in the Spring!”
NYC Spotlights
Strength in Community, Especially During Hard Times
In response to the need created by a tragic Bronx apartment fire, Community Schools in Staten Island, P.S. 78 and Port Richmond High School, alongside their CBO Partner, New York Center for Interpersonal Development, collected and delivered essential items to the affected community. This collaborative effort is a shining example that "Community" is not defined by geographical boundaries but rather, a sense of fellowship and a belief in collective responsibility for ensuring the wellbeing of others. One City, One Strategy, One Community!
New York Center for Interpersonal Development has been a Community School partner at P.S. 78, and Port Richmond High School, for over four years. Through their core values of collaboration, accountability, recognition, and resilience, they work to help students and communities develop the essential skills needed to move New York City toward the goal of being a more compassionate, civil, and economically mobile place for all.
Nurturing Even More Than Plants: New Community School Garden - P.S. 209 Margaret Mead
The Gardening class at P.S. 209, under the direction of Ms. MolloSiano, worked together to create a community garden that welcomes students throughout District 21. Funded through the 21st Century grant, this program provided these 4th and 5th grade students exercise, a sense of confidence, and a social-emotional outlet.
The Leadership Program (TLP) has been the lead Community School partner at P.S. 209 for the past 6 years. Through intentional planning, their focus has been on integrating SEL skills throughout all of their programming offerings.