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NYS TARC Newsletter—January 2022

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Updated: Feb 17, 2022


NYS TARC Newsletter—January 2022


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NYSED News/Updates

January 2022 Regents Examinations Cancelled Due to Ongoing Pandemic | READ MORE.

New GPRA Measures & Student IDs: View the 21 APR New GPRA (Iterative Implementation Guide v.1.4) to learn more about the new GPRA measures. Please note that student State IDs will now be required and need to be entered into EZReports. Please speak with your District Data Coordinators to collect student State IDs.

21st CCLC Timeline: Remember to reference the 21st CCLC Timeline for all activities and requirements. Some upcoming reminders:

  1. All Fall 2021 attendance data should have been entered into EZReports by December 31, 2021

  2. Submit FS-25 claim forms to Office of GrantsFinance (if applicable)

  3. State IDs will be required and need to be entered into EZReports. Ensure that students’ State ID numbers (RoS) or OSIS ID (NYC) numbers are entered for every student enrolled and teachers’ names are entered for every student in grades 1-5. Please speak with your District Data Coordinator to get student state IDs.

  4. Review Teacher Survey Timeline and begin preparing for the spring teacher survey process

  5. Submit required Mid-Year Report through to NYSED by February 15, 2022 (MYR details forthcoming)

Site Monitoring Visits (SMVs): SMVs for the final year of Round 7 have begun. All programs should be utilizing the SMV tool, regardless of participating in a visit, to ensure quality programming and compliance.

School-Age Child Care (SACC) Registrations: As program SACC licenses are renewed and received, don’t forget to email a copy of the updated SACC to your Resource Center.



RFP Due: Monday, February 1st, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. ET

  1. Civics education resources for educators and caretakers to engage young people and sustain high quality Action Civics education.

  1. The Thurgood Marshall College Fund (TMCF) and Wells Fargo are proud to offer financial assistance to outstanding seniors attending Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). Two hundred (200) scholars minimally will be selected to receive a spring scholarship up to $5,000 for the 2021-2022 academic school year (which can only be applied to verifiable costs associated with average tuition and usual fees).

  1. Highlighted resources, strategies, and trainings to assist with keeping your staff and students safe

  1. NASA’s new Groundlinks program connects students with crew members inside NASA’s Human Exploration Research Analog, or HERA, a habitat housed at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas. It’s a chance for students to learn how NASA prepares humans to live and work in space.


Additional resources:




  1. The NYS 21st CCLC TARC is excited to highlight our free asynchronous learning opportunity for Site Directors (please share with colleagues as appropriate). Note the information below for next steps and to access the courses:

  2. Step 1: Create your account using the custom link below:

  3. If you’re based in NYC, activate your account here.

  4. If you’re based in the rest of NY state, activate your account here.

  5. Step 2: Watch a 2 minute demo on the welcome page.

  6. Step 3: Explore the courses at a time that is convenient for you (we recommend starting with Self Care and/or Motivating Your Team to Action)

  7. Free PD Offering from the Central/Western CS TAC: On-demand online professional development courses to support your work, all while you earn SACC credits!

  8. You for Youth (YFY) STEM/STEAM and Digital Literacy Resources: Online professional learning and technical assistance for 21st CCLCs

  9. NASA STEM PD Webinars:

  10. Explore Space Tech: Space Sailing: Jan. 5, 7-8 p.m. ET

  11. Earth Right Now: Elementary GLOBE: Using Picture Books to Initiate STEAM PBL: Jan. 6, 5-6 p.m. ET

  12. Explore Moon to Mars: ECLSS, Water Filtration & the Engineering Design Process: Jan. 11, 7-8 p.m. ET

  13. North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) eePRO Check out upcoming and archived professional development learning from the , including Get Outside: Learning Outdoors in Winter.



Recordings and resources from our Fall 2021 events are now available on our website. Check them out!

January 7 (Submission Deadline) The Network for Youth Success seeks submissions from afterschool participants to design the cover art for the Schools Out, Make it Count! 2022 conference brochure. Details and Application

January 12 New York State Cares for Communities (NYSCFC) CoP Event: A free community of practice event hosted by the NYSCFC and open to any and all NYS community-based and family-based organizations, to assist your school district leverage the CARES Act

January 25 Creating Resilience: How to Train and Strengthen Our Brains During Stressful Times: A free virtual event hosted by the Eastern NYSED CS TAC

January 28 MTSS/CS CoP Event—Exploring and Strengthening SEL Competencies: A free community of practice event hosted by the Central/Western NYSED CS TAC

February 24 “Teen Intervene”, from the NYS Office of Addition Services and Supports (OASAS) is a tested, Evidence-Based Program (EBP) for teenagers (12 – 19 years old) experiencing mild to moderate problems associated with alcohol or other drug use, including gambling.

April 8 + 9 The New York State Network for Youth Success Annual Conference: School’s Out, Make it Count! 2022 | Troy, NY

June 8 Save the date for our Spring Conference!


RoS Spotlight:

Check out this beautiful video from Boys & Girls Clubs of Buffalo. Three different sites participated in this interdisciplinary program that combined Arts, Social-Emotional Learning, and Community Service to teach members about the strength of positivity in our minds and our lives. Members worked to build character, learned new skills, and had fun doing it!

The members chose three recipients:

  1. John R. Oshei Childrens Hospital

  2. Gifted tshirts with a positive affirmation to the staff so they could wear them to work and spread positivity to their patients

  3. Roswell Park Cancer Institute

  4. Gifted tote bags with positive affirmations to people going through treatment

  5. Community

  6. Gifted shirts to friends and family they felt could use a lift.

(Video will open in new window)


NYC Announcement

Expanded COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate for Students Ages 5–11 in High-Risk Sports and Activities

The current COVID-19 vaccine mandate for students participating in high-risk extracurricular activities has been expanded to include students ages 5–11. This mandate includes all high-risk extracurricular activities, including those hosted by Community Based Organizations (CBOs) and external agencies, taking place in DOE buildings. With regards to athletic activities, this mandate applies to students participating in competitive sports, meaning activities where students play against students from other school communities. Specifically:

  1. High-risk competitive sports as designated by the CDC/NYSED/NYSDOH, which are football, volleyball, basketball, wrestling, lacrosse, stunt, and rugby. Vaccination will also be required for participation in bowling, because while not a high-risk sport, it takes place in spaces that require vaccination for children ages 5 and older.  

  2. Extracurricular activities scheduled outside of the school day, like singing/chorus, orchestra/marching band, musical theater, dance, and cheerleading/step teams/flag teams.  

Students who wish to continue to participate in these extracurricular activities must have gotten their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine by December 14. Please note that if a rehearsal, performance, or exhibit is connected to in-school required arts instruction or class curriculum, no student vaccine is required.

Note that the list of high-risk activities has not changed since the announcement of the vaccine mandate for all students and staff participating in high-risk PSAL sports, as shared in the August 24 edition of Principals Digest.   For questions, email   


To be featured in an upcoming newsletter, submit your stories and photos here.

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